Events, May 25, 2019
Sentimentul de incredere si siguranta in grupuri este influentat de crearea unui cadru potrivit, iar dorinta de a ramane parte din acestea depinde de experientele individuale ale membrilor. In acest workshop vom explora ce anume influenteaza aceste experiente, in cel fel trecutul si prezentul ne marcheaza optiunile de integrare si apartenta si ce roluri alegem in interactiunile uzuale in grupurile in care ne gasim.
Events, February 9, 2019
In the TA101 course you get an overview of the development, key concepts, values and approach of Transactional Analysis, as well as how to apply it in a professional context. You will find out how people are shaped by life stories, and the influence these can have in adulthood. You will discover TA communication theory, and how it can be used to reach effective agreements, good partnerships and foster a healthy group culture. We’ll spend a little longer at some points – taking a closer look with the aid of your examples; other points will only be touched on in passing, perhaps whetting the appetite for more.