Resurse și idei

Transactional Analysis Introductory course – TA 101

Events, January 5, 2021

In the TA101 course you get an overview of the development, key concepts, values and approach of Transactional Analysis, as well as how to apply it in a professional context. You will find out how people are shaped by life stories, and the influence these can have in adulthood. You will discover TA communication theory, and how it can be used to reach effective agreements, good partnerships and foster a healthy group culture. We’ll spend a little longer at some points – taking a closer look with the aid of your examples; other points will only be touched on in passing, perhaps whetting the appetite for more.

Scriptul de viață: personajul pozitiv din poveste

Events, October 24, 2020

Cu toții avem propriul nostru cadru de referință, unic, din care au fost generate convingerile care stau la baza script-ului. Jocurile pe care le jucăm, procesele “racket” și “discount-urile” pe care le rulăm, toate ne întăresc convingerile scriptului și susțin cadrul nostru de referință familiar. În acest workshop vom explora resursele pozitive din propriul scenariu de viață care facilitează un contact autentic cu sine și cu ceilalți.

When the dogs bark at night – Feelings in Organizations

Events, November 2, 2019

Eric Berne (founder of TA) defined an Ego State as a coherent system of thinking, feeling and behavior. Working with people in organizations, we often experience that focus is very much on thinking and behavior as guiding forces. Feelings do not really take up much space in conversations and thus people skip one third of their capacity. Feelings seem not to be taken relevant for decision-making, solving conflicts or personal development. It feels as if feelings are not regarded as being important and to express them is often perceived as unprofessional. We believe that having access to our feelings in the here and now is crucial for staying healthy, happy and productive.

Exploring and understanding non-conscious processes

Events, October 4, 2019

Learning to have our meets met when we were growing up was sometimes a confusing and hurtful endeavour. The reaction we got from our carers sometimes invited us into believing that it wasn’t OK to get our needs met and, if we did, the way to accomplish it was to adapt to their given conditioning. This process supported the development of our script beliefs. Not adapting generated all sorts of negative feelings. As part of the same process, we’ve learned to discount our authentic needs and develop alternative strategies through accessing less genuine feelings that seemed to be accepted by our context.

Brain and heart working in
shared responsibility




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