Hamburg, Germany, 2 November 2019
about TA
Transactional Analysis (TA) is an established method of humanistic psychology. It offers concepts for understanding human thinking, feeling and action, and provides us with a constructive approach for dealing with ourselves and others. TA uses everyday language that is easy to understand, so even complex matters can be clearly described.
about the workshop
Eric Berne (founder of TA) defined an Ego State as a coherent system of thinking, feeling and behavior. Working with people in organizations, we often experience that focus is very much on thinking and behavior as guiding forces. Feelings do not really take up much space in conversations and thus people skip one third of their capacity. Feelings seem not to be taken relevant for decision-making, solving conflicts or personal development. It feels as if feelings are not regarded as being important and to express them is often perceived as unprofessional. We believe that having access to our feelings in the here and now is crucial for staying healthy, happy and productive.
In our workshop we will explore this phenomenon along case examples from our and your professional practice. The questions we are going to explore:
What are potential risks and underlying fears that hold us from accessing and including feelings in our conscious reality?
How can we – in the context of our working environment – access our own feelings?
How can we – in our different roles – create the conditions for people to dare to feel and express their feelings?
about attitude and methods
Join us on this journey into an atmosphere of mutual esteem, respect and interest, within clear structures, agreements and boundaries. We will be working in small groups, in dialogue and we will also be bringing our discussions in the larger group.
about you
This day is right for you if you are working in or with organizations, in the management, communications or teaching professions. We look forward to welcoming you with your curiosities, experiences, questions, and opinions around feelings in organizations.
about opportunities
This workshop complies with the guidelines of the International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA) and the European Transactional Analysis Association (EATA).
If you are in TA training, you can count this day as 8 hours of professional TA training.
about us
Nicole is a freelance consultant since 2003, she owns a consulting firm, based in Hamburg/Germany. Her passion as coach for teams and individuals is applying TA in her daily work. As PTSTA-C, Nicole provides TA Supervision and Training worldwide.
In all her work, she loves to create the conditions and the holding of a safe space where development and deep learning become reality. Nicole fosters an empathic, warm and at the same time clear working style.
Traian is an organizational development professional, with experience in training and leadership development initiatives. He is currently working for a multinational gaming company as regional head of HR in Romania and as a freelance consultant and executive coach. He passed his CTA (O) exam in Rome, 2015 and has been a PTSTA (O) since 2016.
He is passionate about facilitating change within teams, by encouraging an authentic contact through meaningful conversations. Traian invites and supports growth in a thoughtful, caring and enthusiastic way.
about administration and costs
location: Hamburg, Heckscherstr. 48A, Werkstatt für Lernen und Entwicklung
duration: 1 day
date: Saturday, 2nd November 2019
time: 10am – 5.30pm (two times 3 hours: 10am – 1pm and 2.30pm – 5.30pm)
language: English (German if need be)