Events > Transactional Analysis Introductory course – TA 101

February 9, 2019

Bucharest, 9-10 February 2019

about TA

Transactional analysis (TA) is an established method of humanistic psychology. It offers concepts for understanding human thinking, feeling and action, and provides us with a constructive approach for dealing with ourselves and others. TA uses everyday language that is easy to understand, so even complex matters can be clearly described. 

about 101

In the TA101 course you get an overview of the development, key concepts, values and approach of Transactional Analysis, as well as how to apply it in a professional context. You will find out how people are shaped by life stories, and the influence these can have in adulthood. You will discover TA communication theory, and how it can be used to reach effective agreements, good partnerships and foster a healthy group culture. We’ll spend a little longer at some points – taking a closer look with the aid of your examples; other points will only be touched on in passing, perhaps whetting the appetite for more. 

about you

This introductory course is right for you if you’re interested to find out how TA can enrich your professional field and enhance your personal development. It will be particularly useful for those who are working in or with organizations, in the management, communications or teaching professions.

What others say, about their 101 experience:

about opportunities

This course complies with the guidelines of the International Transactional Analysis Association (ITAA) and the European Transactional Analysis Association (EATA)

The certificate is a prerequisite for attending a training program in Transactional Analysis – it thus opens up the opportunity to further training and development.

about attitude and methods 

Join us on this journey into an atmosphere of mutual esteem, respect and interest, within clear structures, agreements and boundaries. We will be working in small groups, in dialogue and we will also be bringing our discussions in the larger group.

about us

Traian Bossenmayer

Traian is an organizational development professional, with experience in training and leadership development initiatives. He is currently working for a multinational gaming company as HR Manager and as a freelance consultant and executive coach. He passed his CTA (O) exam in Rome, 2015 and has been a PTSTA (O) since 2016.

He is passionate about facilitating change within teams, by encouraging an authentic contact through meaningful conversations. Traian invites and supports growth in a thoughtful, caring and enthusiastic way.

Nicole Kabisch

Nicole is a freelance consultant since 2003, she owns a consulting firm, based in Hamburg/Germany. Her passion as coach for teams and individuals is applying TA in her daily work. As PTSTA-C (since 2016), Nicole provides TA Supervision and Training worldwide.
In all her work, she loves to create the conditions and the holding of a safe space where development and deep learning become reality. Nicole fosters an empathic, warm and at the same time clear working style.

about administration and costs

Location: Bucharest, further details will be shared with those who register

Duration: 2 days

Date: 9-10 February 2019

Time: 10-17

Language: English, with Romanian translation (if needed)

Fee: 110 euros*

If you have questions or you want to sign up, contact Traian at

* students benefit from a 15% discount

Brain and heart working in
shared responsibility




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